
Be Inspired

Concilia Achimbi is an inspiring young woman and God’s own who migrated from Cameroon in July 2018 to the United States with her beloved husband of 15 years and their three blessed children.

Before moving to the United States, I was working as an Accountant with SIL International and served in Hilltop Faith Ministry Yaounde.

My purpose and reason for being is to serve God through the many lives He has brought across my path. But when I moved to the United States I felt lost because I couldn’t do all these and had desired to move back to Cameroon. However,  God reminded me of the story of the Israelites, how He wanted them to dwell in the land full of milk and honey but they choose the slavery life in Egypt. This propelled me to seek God more on how to find my niche.

In the place of seeking, serving and praying, doors started opening up.

By January 2021, He called me to serve the Women’s Ministry of Living Spring Harrisburg PA as their Women’s President and a prayer intercessor in Church.

Working with these women from different spheres of life has been my greatest joy. Being able to learn, pray, serve, inspire, encourage and network with them to achieve our dreams has given me a sense of fulfilling purpose.

That same year, three of my closed pillars in the name of Emilia Makor, Christine Titih and Caroline Losha came together to create a small Cameroonian Community in Harrisburg. This small group in less than no time has sprung into a huge community of close to a hundred individuals (with men and children inclusive). Our goal is to be a voice to all the Cameroonian immigrants in The Great Burg Area. We now go by the name PACC, which stands for Pennsylvania Cameroonian Community.

God also let me to return to school, and today, I am very proud to be an MBA graduate with concentration in Accounting and Supply Chain Management. This degree earned me the job of my dreams with PUC as an Auditor. Isn’t God awesome on how He leads His children! Just like with the Israelites, the Lord did not remove the pillar of cloud or pillar of fire from its place in front of me and family. I return all the glory back to Him!

I hope my story inspires anyone new or who recently migrated into the United States!